"Cadet, attention!"

You're about to embark on a journey that will test your mettle as a future astronaut. Welcome to Moon Mission Academy. Here, you'll learn the intricacies of lunar landings, starting with the basics and progressing to challenging scenarios.

Your mission, cadet, is to master the art of piloting a rocket. You'll start with gentle descents on an airless body, gradually increasing the difficulty as you encounter varying lunar landscapes, unpredictable gravity, and unexpected obstacles.

Every successful landing brings you one step closer to becoming a certified lunar explorer. Are you ready to take the helm?

How to Command Your Rocket:

To control your rocket, you'll use the following commands:

  • W or Spacebar: Activate the main thrusters to propel your rocket upwards.
  • A and D: Activate the thrusters for rotation, helping you orient your rocket.

Remember, cadet, precision and timing are key to a successful landing. Good luck!

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